Monday 1 March 2010

Missing: MY LIFE. Last seen over New Years!!

My room is a mess, my nails are chipped, my hair is unconditioned, I haven’t seen the inside of a club/pub/bar/restaurant in like forever and I woke up this morning to discover that it’s March!!!

WTF!!! University has officially ruined my life!! I don’t even know what the male population of Bumper looks like any more!! My little rose-bud summed up our life nicely-“I usually have either money, clothes or a boy but right now I have none!!!”

“They” tell you that your time at university is the best experience ever. You go out every night and all the drinks are cheap and you meet so many lovely new people...that is until you get to third year then your 3 months away from graduation, have a live PR campaign for the National Blood Service to run, a dissertation to write and a job to find. Oh and on top of all that I will have to start paying Council Tax soon!!!!!! Please can I go back to Fresher’s year??

The parents called to tell me that they have forgotten what I look like.

This is so depressing. Anti-Cupid’s birthday felt like forever ago.

My wish list did consist of a faded denim Balmain jacket and Vivienne Westwood Red Label strapless pink polka dot dress but now it consists of a life, a boy and a bloody good night out!!!

Anyway back to my many essays I have to complete!!
